by Laurel | March 13th, 2013
13 March 1909
E. F. Down Special Deputy — New Official Created by Building Trades Council. The building trades council met last evening and unanimously voted to elect Edward F. Dowd as special deputy representing their interests. Seven trades were represented, a large number from each union being present. The duties of the deputy will be similar to that of a business agent, and he will work along the lines of preventing discord between employee and employer, and will strengthen and build up the several unions in the council. At the present time there is very little trouble in the building trade, the unions being well organized and working well together. Mr Dowd’s office at the present will be in the St. Jerome temperance building, where he will have office hours from 12 to 1, any organization which has troubles to report that way to see him at the noon hour. He will take up the new duties Monday morning.
Mr. Dowd is well known in labor circles of the city, being for two years business agent of the central labor union when the unions were at their strongest pain in that city. At that time over 50 unions were organized, with a membership of over 10,000. Although they have fallen off some since these times, yet they are getting bigger again, and it is expected that they can be greatly strengthened. He will be under the direction of the executive board of the council consisting of one member from each union, which has all grievances in charge. It is probable that he will be given a free hand in matters affecting the union and that his work will prove successful. It has been about three or four years since a business agent has been employed to the central labor union and the good results at that time from the services of such an official have caused the decision in the trades council to have a special deputy of their own.
The county bridge is to get a coat of paint on the iron work this summer, both Holyoke and South Hadley Falls making preparations for the work. It has been a number of years since the bridge has last been painted, and a coat of paint is sadly needed on the structure. It is probable that the work will take some time. While the county bridge is being repaired there are other bridges in the city which need a little attention. Plans are already made to fix over the Cabot Street bridge, which certainly needs attention. Complaints have been made ver the condition of the Lyman Street bridge, although this structure seems in far condition.
Manager Casey of the Opera House is getting matters in shape so that there will be little crowding in trying to obtain tickets at the Opera House. For a time there was some confusion as the patrons were not used to leaving the house by means of the Front Street exit. This exit has been put in good order and provided with lights and the persons now leaving the theater are instructed to go that way, which saves crowding along the hallway against those going in. Enough policemen are kept in the hallway to maintain order and things are moving along smoothly.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.