by Laurel | March 29th, 2013
29 March 1906
Majority Favored Wooden Blocks — The Holyoke Business Men’s Association held an open meeting and smoke-talk at their rooms last evening, the topic for discussion being the repaving of High Street. Chairman Walsh of the board of public works presented some figures showing the cost per yard of the leading forms of pavement to be as follows: granite block, $2.75; asphalt bloc, $2.83, vitrified brick, $2.92; sheet asphalt, $1.86; bitulithic, $2.25; wooden block, $2.83. Edward Hart urged that a concrete base be put in, whatever form of pavement was chosen. All the members of the board of public works were called upon and the use of wooden block in Springfield was cited. Among those who spoke were Hugh McLean, Caspar Ranger, A. Davis, T. J. Gibson, F. F. O’Neill and several others. The majority of those speaking favored wooden blocks, provided they were as durable as the other forms of pavement. The association also voted confidence in the board of public works. The discussion was free, and much approval was expressed of the plan to meet and talk things over. The association voted to increase the number of directors from 12 to 18, the new ones being as follows: Edward Hart, F. F. O’Neill, John O’Shea, A. N. Potvin, E. L. Lyman and A. E. Hemphill. The name of the highway improvement committee was also changed to the city improvement committee, and the sphere of its work is to be enlarged. It was also voted to hold the general meetings of the association more often.
Moving the Thomas W. Mann Property — The rooms occupied so many years by the late Thomas W. Mann on Hampden Street are being cleared for occupancy by other tenants, under direction of Lawyer P. J. Garvey, administrator of the estate. A vacant store has been engaged at 490 High Street, where the books and other effects will be placed on exhibition and disposed of to the public on Monday. After a time the remaining effects will most likely be sold at public auction. It will take three or four days to move all of the effects. Some of the bookcases are said to be really valuable bit the greater part of the books are not considered to be of great worth. The first sale was made yesterday of some drafting tools.
Strike at Baker – Vawter Company — The Baker – Vawter Company seems to be having more than its share of trouble at the present time. It was one of the firms that was affected by the strike of the typographical union a short time ago, and yesterday there was trouble in the press-feeding department. One of the press feeder, it is alleged by operative at the plant, was discharged, and some of the other press feeders were not pleased and walked out. All information of the affair was denied on inquiry of the superintendent at the plant yesterday.
The Fred Irwin “Big Show” Extravaganza Company opens this afternoon and evening at the Empire Theater for the last half of the week. The two burlettas include “The Sultan’s Wives” and “The Only Pebble on the Beach.” An unusually strong list of specialties is to be seen, and the chorus work is said to be better than the average run.
Police Court — Henry Kneeland, the peddler who stole a sack of flour in a South Hadley grocery store Tuesday night, was fined $10 for larceny at yesterday’s court session. Fred Masson was charged with selling obscene pictures and his case continued until today. James Curtin was fined $5 for assault and Patrick J. Kane $3 for throwing snowballs.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.