by Laurel | April 2nd, 2013
04 October 1903
The Qui Vive Club is to take up as their topic for the year “China.” Their program is quite exhaustive, and in their work they are assisted by a list of 75 or 100 books printed in each topic leaflet. Mrs. Robert A. Allyn is president of the club, Miss Katharine Skinner vice-president and Miss Gertrude Chadwick secretary and treasurer. The topics for the season are as follows:
October 6, “A tourist’s view of the country,” Miss Underwood; “The Chinese people, their characteristics and employments.” Miss Katherine Slkinner; club work, “Curious Chinese customs.”
October 20, “The early history and mythology of China,” Miss Thayer; club work, “Chinese traditions.”
November 3, “The later history (1432-1903),” Miss Clara Chapin; club work, “Gen. Charles George Gordon.”
November 17, Introductions to European nations,” Mrs. W. R. Shumway; club work, “Marco Polo and explorers.”
December 1, “The Chinese government,” Miss Chapin; club work, “Li Hung Chang.”
December 15, “The religion of China,” Mrs. H. F. Metcalf; club work, “Ancestral worship.”
January 4, 1904, “Chinese education, old school, progressive school,” Miss Whitten, club work, “Chinese proverbs.”
January 19, “Home life in China,” Miss Chadwick; club work, “Chinese etiquette.”
February 2, “The Chinese in America,” Miss Houston’s club work, “The Chinese question.”
February 16, “Roman Catholic missionaries and their work,” Mrs. R. A. Allyn, club work, “John of Montecorvino.”
March 1, “Protestant missions,” Miss Heywood; club work, “Robert Morrison Wells Williams.”
March 15, “The Chinese attitude toward outside influences.” Mrs. W. C. Hammond; club work, “The Emperor,” “The Empress Dowager.”
March 29, “China in revolution.” Miss Gertrude Chadwick; club work, “Incidents of the boxer uprising.”
April 5, “Russian advance in China,” Mrs. N. P. Avery; club work, “Current events in China.”
April 19, “How can China be brought into her place among the nations and fitted to fill it?” Miss Metcalf; club work, discussion of the paper.
April 26, business meeting.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.