Holyoke Snippets — April 3, 1897

by Laurel | April 3rd, 2013

03 April 1897

Cuba's Vow, 1897

Cuba’s Vow, 1897

The timely drama “Cuba’s Vow” will be played at the Holyoke Opera House this evening. (Written by J. J. McCloskey)

“It has been the verdict of all who have seen “Cuba’s Vow” that great ingenuity has been displayed in every respect, and that while the play abounds with dramatic situations, it at no time reaches the sensational. There is not an unnatural situation, and the dialogue is a gem of brightness and cheerfulness, serving to bring out tersely and crisply a story of love and devotion. By no means is it lacking in the feature of genuine humor, and the threads of comedy are so admirably interwoven into the story that it possesses an especial charm for the lovers of the play in this country. It has been the experience of all who have attended the presentation of the drama, that they could not help sympathizing with the lovers in their disappointments, and just as ready to rejoice with them when the darkly appearing clouds roll away and the sunshine again appears.” — Morning Record, Meriden, Connecticut, 17 Oct 1898.

A stubborn fire on the mountain west of Ashley Ponds kept a large force of men busy a good part of Thursday afternoon and night before it could be extinguished. The blaze made quick progress in the woods and threatened to destroy a large quantity of firewood belonging to Thomas Bray. The men succeeded in stopping the fire before it reached the piles of wood.

A Sullivan boy about five years old was kept at the police station yesterday because he was not sure where he loved and none of his relatives called after him. The boy was taken to the station by a street car conductor who found him on his car taking a ride.

At the police court yesterday morning Charles Hall was sent to jail for two months for being drunk and receiving the watches his wife stole. He will spend six months in jail. His wife, Margaret Hall, will be in jail six months for stealing and a month for being drunk. John J. Shea, who is familiarly known as “Symposium” Shea by the police department was discharged on two cases for illegally keeping liquor and for maintaining a liquor nuisance. The man has had several similar charges to contest in the past year or two and the cases decided yesterday have been under consideration for several weeks by Judge Pearsons.

The water department keeps a watchman at the Whiting Street Reservoir all of the time to see that the ponds are not polluted in any way, and the officers of the department are much interested in a report that the Italian laborers on the Mt. Tom Railroad are accustomed to wash their clothing in the reservoir and the brooks that flow into it. The report has not been investigated, but it there have been any such practices they should be stopped and the people who are responsible called to account for it.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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