by Laurel | April 3rd, 2013
04 October 1903
The Westminster Club has a delightful winter before it in the study of Holland, one of the most interesting countries of Europe. The attention of a large part of the civilized world is just now being called to the plans of this country to wrest back from the ocean a large territory once cultivated and fertile. The sub -topics follow, with the place of meeting. The club meets on alternate Thursdays from October to May, beginning a week from Thursday. The officers are as follows: President, Miss Alice C. Newton; vice-president, Miss Alice E. Mackintosh; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. John M. James. The program is as follows:
October 15, with Miss Charlotte K. Norris; topic, “Geography and people.”
October 22, with Mrs. C. A. Andrews; topic, “History of Holland.”
November 5, with Mrs. J. Leonard Merrick, topic, “Holland’s part in the reformation and the house of Orange.”
November 10, with Mrs. John M. James; topic, “Dutch character and characteristics.”
December 3, with Mrs. Edward S. Towne; topic “Glimpses of principal cities, dead cities of the Zuyder Zee.”
December 31, with Mrs. Frank H. Metcalf; topic, “Dutch influence in America.”
January 14, with Mrs. William H. Heywood; topic, “Language and literature.”
January 28 with Miss Alice C. Newton, topic, “Early Dutch printing.”
February 11, with Miss Alice E. Mackintosh, topic, “Rembrandt.”
February 23, with Mrs. James S. Newton; topic, “Modern Dutch painting.”
March 10, with Mrs. Arthur K. Sibley, topic, “Country life in Holland.”
March 24, with Mrs. Edmund D. Scott; topic, “Architecture.”
April 7, with Mrs. William F. Whiting, topic, “Industries and inventions.”
April 21, with Mrs. Edward T. Newton; topic, “Queen Wilhelmina — Holland of today.”
May 5, business meeting.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.