Holyoke Snippets — April 11, 1905

by Laurel | April 11th, 2013

11 April 1905

A Bunch of Keys

Charles H. Hoyt’s
A Bunch of Keys
1899 Poster

Charles H. Hoyt’s Familiar farce, “A Bunch of Keys (or, The Hotel) opened at the Empire Theater yesterday afternoon and evening for the first half of the week. The piece, though played so many years, is as full of snap and go as ever, Gus Bothner being the chief funmaker.

Progress on Northampton Street — Progress is being made on the widening of Northampton Street, and it is already becoming evident that the improvement made will be an attractive one for those who live in Holyoke was well as those who pass through it and the wonder will be that it was delayed so long. The question of the location of the tracks may be settled by the board of aldermen, as it is understood that a petition will be brought in to the next meeting of the board providing for sch relocation. The board of aldermen have authority after giving a hearing to do this. When the entire work is done claims or damages may be filed and also assessments for betterments. In case of agreement as to these, the proceedings are simple; but it disagreements arise a jury may be called in to decide the amount of damage and betterment. The board has received an offer from the Lanes to put down the Highlands macadam at $1.10 a ton. This is believed to be about equal to the 85 cents a ton proposition in which the city would have to do the carting. The same company was awarded Saturday the contract for 5,000 tons or more on the cars in Holyoke at 85 cents a ton. The rock that is furnished on the $1.10 a ton proposition will be brought from the crusher at the Amherst “notch” if the contract is awarded to the Lanes.

Joy Among the Barbers — There is joy among the knights of the razor, and yesterday each journeyman barber stropped his keen blade with renewed vigor and the “witch hazel or bay rum” query throbbed with excited happiness. For , lo! that which was lost is found, and which had gone astray had been recovered. the precious missing charter of the journeymen barbers’ union had been traced to its lair and recovered from the misanthrope who had secreted it; so that the barbers may once more hold legal session instead of upbraiding each other for the mislaying of the document. The barbers will meet this evening at the central labor union office and sing peans of thanksgiving over its return to the fold.

Planning for Boys’ Club Building — The directors of the Holyoke Boys’ Club met last evening and discussed at length plans for a new boys’ club building. It is felt that such a building id greatly needed in Holyoke, and that the success of the club to date warrants its erection, but whether the time was ripe this year for its erection was the crucial point. Finally the matter of its erection was left with the executive committee to report at the call of the president J. S. Webber. Three new directors were chosen, Dr. D. F. Donoghue, Thomas S. Childs and E. S. Packard.

High School Honor Pupils — Principal M. M. S. Moriarty of the high school announced yesterday the honored pupils of this year’s graduating class. there are 12 on the list this year, instead of 10 as in former years. There are nine girls and three boys, which proves that the girls were more intelligent than the boys. The honored girls are Sophia Allen, Helen Chapin, Beatrice Smith, Helen Gaylord, Gertrude Wallace, Ruth and Rachel Clark and Elizabeth Morrell. The three highest boys are Daniel Fenton, Daniel Brennan and Paul Potter.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.
Image courtesy the Library of Congress.

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