Holyoke Snippets

by Laurel | January 10th, 2014

10 January 1929

Jan 2 — The Holyoke Street Railway Company has petitioned the public utilities commission for permission to sell trolly tickets three for a quarter instead of four for 30 cents as at present. This would place the company on the same basis as all of the state of Connecticut and many Massachusetts cities. The income of the street railway is steadily falling off. The rate for school tickets would also be increased if the present basis of one-half the regular gate is maintained.

Jan 2 — The “swan song” of the retiring members of the board of aldermen for 1928 at the last meeting of that body were sung tonight. Alderman Elizabeth Towne brought down the house when called upon by prefacing her remarks with “This is so sudden.” Others who said farewell were Alderman James L. Griffin, Patrick F. Monohan, Patrick J. Bresnahan, Jr. an Napoleon Lajoise.

Jan 2 — Mrs. Della Lario, 58, of 815 Dwight Street attempted suicide this afternoon by drowning in the Connecticut River near “dead man’s curve” on the Boston & Maine railroad. She was trying to break a hole in the ice when Lieut. William E. Blackmer with Patrolmen Garret Bowler and M. H. Shine arrived in the patrol wagon.

Jan 4 — An intensive search to locate Mrs. Lena Cain Garland, daughter of Mrs. J. J. Cain of 624 Main Street, Holyoke, is under way. Mrs. Garland left Holyoke to work at New Haven last July and the following month her mother received a letter stating she had been quite ill.

Jan 4 – –Death has stalked steadily in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Patnaude of 65 Center Street since Christmas day and this morning claimed the third and last child of the family, a pretty two-year-old girl names Claire. Roland and Rita, 10 months old twins were stricken with measles and pneumonia developed. Roland died on Christmas day and his twin sister died a week ago today. Claire contracted measles then and pneumonia set in and she died this morning.

From The Springfield Republican.

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Mount Holyoke College, Postcard History by Donna Albino. Many Holyoke women have attended Mount Holyoke. Author also maintains an amazing MHC website based upon her personal collection.

Holyoke - Chicopee, A Perspective

Holyoke-Chicopee: A Perspective, by Ella Merkel DiCarlo. DiCarlo, a former Transcript columnist offers a fascinating compilation of her essays. Published in 1982, this out-of-print book is worth looking for in the aftermarket.


Holyoke, by Craig Della Penna. The first Holyoke book in the Arcadia series, published in 1997.

Belle Skinner Collection

Belle Skinner Collection, by Ruth Isabel Skinner. Published in 1933, this book is long out of print but copies are still available in the aftermarket.

Mitch Epstein: Family Business

Mitch Epstein: Family Business Published in 2003, available in the aftermarket. Epstein's furniture.


