by Laurel | January 15th, 2014
15 January 1928
Holyoke, 14 January 1928 — Nearly twenty years ago — 18 years to be exact — former Representative Ashton E. Hemphill snapped the picture shown here in front of city hall. The charming little girl in the rear seat is Miss Eunice Warnock, now attending Smith College; the man nearest is the late Reuben C. Winchester and on the farther side the late A. F. Sickman, known more familiarly as Frank Sickman. Mr. Winchester was treasurer of the Holyoke Water Power Company a number of years and Mr. Sickman for many years its hydraulic engineer. One the front seat , nearest, is the water power company chauffeur, William Slattery, and on the further side, John F. Stapleton, for so many years cashier of the company and who died only a few months ago. The car will be recognized as the old Water Power Company Cadillac.
From The Springfield Republican.