by Laurel | January 28th, 2014
28 January 1933
180 Workers Will Start Out After Funds Under the General Supervision of Morton Hull
Holyoke, Jan. 28 — The Holyoke Hospital drive, with its goal of $34,000 will formally open at 6 on Tuesday night with dinner for 180 workers. Morton Hull is chairman of the general drive and has as co-chairmen Mrs. John B. McElwain and Stuart A. Russell. The case for the hospital is set forth as follows by the committee:
“For 11 years the Holyoke Hospital has received the necessary financial support from comparatively few individuals and corporations of Holyoke. Economic conditions have altered the demands for care of the sick and injured not in the least. But incomes and capacity for giving have been considerably reduced. These same loyal individuals and corporations will continue to give to the limit of their ability, but it is not only sternly necessary, but fair and equitable that the entire community be given opportunity to share i the financial support of this vitally necessary and time-honored community institution.
“The broadness of its service is proven by the fact that in 1932 the religious classification of its 2101 patients admitted revealed 1009 Catholics, 938 Protestants and 61 Hebrews. Every family in Holyoke should be enrolled on its list of contributors, no matter how small or large the gift.
“The campaign of February 1 to 8 specifically calls upon Holyoke citizens regardless of race or creed and aims to subscribe annual support. Pledge cards will be presented by a team 0f 180 workers and, as it is an obvious impossibility t contact everyone, there will be established during February 1 to 8, subscription offices in all the Holyoke banks, the Hotel Nonotuck, the public library, T. S. Childs and A. Steiger & Co. for the entering of subscriptions voluntarily. Cash is desired, but those desiring to pay at a later date in the year, or in installments, may so indicate on the pledge card.
“Contributors who have given recently to the hospital are urged to sign pledge cards during the campaign indicating payment in 1933 corresponding to their 1933 payment.
“In the event of a success in obtaining the necessary $34,000 all additional fund-raising activities on behalf of the hospital formerly undertaken, will cease.”
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.