by Laurel | February 7th, 2014
Class of 1964 — can it be the 50th anniversary already?
Row One: J. Dunn, D. Collins, W. Barthelett,, co-captain; D. Werbiskis, co-captain; G. Sullivan, R. Stachowicz.
Row Two: J. Hurley, H. Clayton, R. Ryan, R. Frost, J. O’Connor, Coach.
(Clarification: all but Barthelett, Werbiskis, an Frost were Juniors and in class of ’65)
Actually, Laurel, all but Barthelett, Werbiskis, an Frost were Juniors and in class of ’65.
Thanks for the clarification Tom — I should have labeled it differently! Saw your picture in the book by the way — you look the same, couldn’t have missed you!