by Laurel | February 7th, 2014
08 Feb 1905
The play “The Middleman” will close its stand at the Empire Theater this afternoon and evening. The play is one of the best character studies that has been seen at the Empire this season, the acting of Mr. Russell being of a high order. [Note: this play, by Henry Arthur Jones, is available via Internet Archive.]
Claims Blocks Are In Danger — Alderman M. J. Kearns is exceedingly anxious that some measure on inspection be made of the blocks of the city, especially those that have been erected for some time, on account of what he believes to be a serious menace to life and property from the conditions of the gas pipes and fixtures. The danger of a casualty is more imminent, he believes, than has been considered possible. He says from his personal observation he is satisfied that a large number of blocks have such leaky fixtures in them that it is a miracle that explosions do not occur. The board of health have recommended for several years a house-to-house inspection of plumbing; and he said last evening that he would be agreeable to this accompanying a house-to-house inspection of gas fixtures as well. Few single houses would need attention, but there were blocks were he believed both might be combined with satisfactory results.Novel Church Supper — The young people at the Second Congregational Church gave a novel supper at the church dining rooms last evening. It was called an “advertisement” supper, the walls of the dining room being covered with advertisements, and the waters, who were mostly young girls, being dressed to represent the girls familiar in the various magazine advertisements. The supper was largely attended and quite a neat sum will be realized, probably over 250 sat down to the supper.
The lively Clematis Club of Elmwood held a debate Monday evening upon the question, “Should the whipping post be established for wife-beaters?” Thomas A. Bray and Ralph Lyman supported the affirmative, and R. J. Bachelder and George Osgood the negative. The judges were Charles Hunter, Louis Peck and Fred Prentice, and after due and solemn consideration of the arguments they awarded the weight of argument to the affirmative. The party met with Austin B. Goodyear , and refreshments were served at the close. The club plans to hold these debates twice a month.
How Park Money May Be Obtained — The question of how to raise money for parks is bothering the city hall officials quite a bit. One method that has been suggested is to make an appropriation say of $25,000 for parks in addition to the $7000 for running expenses; to make no appropriation for roads and bridges, but instead ask fro a loan of $73,000 or $100,000. Part of this money obtained on the loan would be used in extensions, and in part in the regular work of the department; and the parks would then have that sum under their control. It is believed that this would be legal and meet the requirements. Otherwise it is difficult to see where the money for park extensions additional to the $73ooo that the city is entitled to borrow, by reason of its having expanded that sum on parks, is to come from The city has expended $10,000, but has issued a loan for $2500, leaving a borrowing capacity fo parks of $7300.
Sudden death of James Hayes — James Hayes of 240 Dwight Street was taken suddenly ill on High Street shortly before 9 last evening with edema of the lungs. He was taken to the office of Dr. J. L. Bliss, who found hm in such bad condition that it was at once decided to have him taken to the House of Providence Hospital. A hack was called and the doctor went with him, but the man died before reaching the hospital. He had been a sufferer of asthma. in Edema the lungs fill with mucus, Hayes had been employed at the Farr Alpaca Company. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Frank Buckley.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.