Holyoke Snippets — 17 Feb 1908

by Laurel | February 17th, 2014

17 Feb 1908

Trocadero Burlesquers

Trocadero Burlesquers

Today and Tonight — Trocadeo Burlesquers at the Empire Theater.

Went to 10 Below Zero — City Shivered Yesterday Morning and weather did not moderate much during the day — The city was treated to as cold weather yesterday morning as the most rabid ice man could ask for. The official record of the thermometer at its lowest point was 10 below zero, although in many parts of the city colder weather was reported. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning the mercury had got to 7 below and the highest point reached was 11 above, which was the record at 8 last evening. The promised warmer weather did not materialize very fast  until the snow began to come down last evening and the weather began to moderate, slightly. The departments having in charge the caring for the walks in the city have been kept busy this winter and at times sand has had to be applied three times in succession before the streets would be rendered safe for travel.

Samuel Cohen and Barney Wiener, two boys, are in trouble over the theft of cigars from the Guyott house and Sunter’s Drug Store. Cohen being charged with the theft of the goods, and Wiener with receiving stolen property. Both cases were continued until Saturday.

The Woman’s Christian temperance union will meet this afternoon with Mrs. E. B. Miles of 235 Elm Street. Miss Mary E. Lawley of the Elm Street School will speak on “The Evils of Cigarette Smoking.” Plans for the coming convention will be discussed.

The funeral of Charles W. Kuehn was held at his late home on Beech Street yesterday afternoon. Rev. H. Settlage officiating. The burial was in Forestdale Cemetery.

The Farr Alpaca Company will rebuild their old weave sheds as fast as possible while keeping on full time. It is probable that the company will have to build in the near future to accommodate their ever-increasing business. the company is fortunate in not being affected by the present stringency and are able to keep their large force of employees steadily at work.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.
Image courtesy The Library of Congress.

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