by Laurel | March 7th, 2014
07 March 1904
High Street Poker Game Interrupted — An interesting poker game was unpleasantly interrupted by the police department at 1:45 yesterday morning. There were nine men in the game, which was being played in a room in a block between Cabot and Essex streets, when officers Bligh and Mack entered. There was an awful hush for a few moments, and the colored member of the bunch is said to have turned as white as any of his fellow players. It is understood that the whose tenement was hired a few days ago, of the owner of the property, who was ignorant of the use that was to be made of it, and that the game has been running only a few days. The men will be arraigned this morning on the charge of gaming on the lord’s day. There were plenty of “chips” and cards secured by the police, and the nine men with the two detectives and two other officers sent down made a good-sized wagon load. Seven of the nine were bail out yesterday. The men gave their names as follows: John Allen, James Brewer, Joseph Marion, John Thompson, Charles Canto, Dennis Donovan, John Golden, Charles Ross and Andrew Somers.
Capt. Sunshine of the Salvation Army lost a pocket-book containing $37 in bills at the Army house last week.
Want Northampton Line to Run Down Main Street — Some of the Main Street merchants are about to agitate a change in the running of the street cars of the Springfield-Northampton line. The cars from this city to Northampton run up Dwight Street to High, to Hampden, to the Highlands. On their return they run down High, down Cabot to Main, to this city. What is desire by those favoring a change is that the cars from Northampton to this city run as at present to Dwight Street, and then down Dwight Street and to Main Street, thus giving better service to the portion of Main Street between Dwight street and Cabot Street. This section is not at present passed by cars from Northampton bound for this city. This would give High Street between Dwight and Cabot Street 20 minutes time by the Springfield line instead of 10 minute time, as at present.
Site For New Boys’ Club Building — A site for a new building for the boys’ club has been selected, the Merrick property on Rae Street, next to the Grace Congregational church on Race Street, being considered to be desirable, and an option being secured upon the lot. Before a sale can be effected, as it is the property of the American Thread Company, a regular form has to be gone through with and the sale of the land voted by a majority of the directors. A part of these live in England, and it is therefore necessary to get the written consent of these men. It is understood that they have been written to, and that a reply in due form is expected at an early day. The club could have remained in the present building for some time, as the recent purchaser, M. j.Bowler, has no definite plans in mind for the property, but there was, of course, more or less uncertainty as to the ultimate disposition of it, and the management considered that a new building such as will properly house the club, which is conceded to be one of the most deserving of support in the city of Holyoke.
The Holyoke chapter of the French Alliance met yesterday afternoon and elected a committee to arrange for a lecture, to be given in Holyoke in the near future. They hope to secure a speaker within two weeks. The committee consists of Pierre Bonvouloir, Dr. J. M. Carriere and Misses Agnes Cadieux and Alice Godwin.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.