Holyoke Snippets — 10 March 1903

by Laurel | March 10th, 2014

10 March 1903

The real Widow Brown

The Real Widow Brown

Tonight at the Holyoke Opera House, “Quincy Adams Sayer.” At the Empire Theater, “The Real Widow Brown.”

Uraglena in Wright’s Pond — City Engineer Tighe reported to the board of water commissioners last evening the presence of uraglena in the waters of Wright’s pond, through which the city now draws its water supply. There has been a perceptible taste  in the water for several days, but not as bad as last year, when a considerable outcry was raised. Mr. Tighe has analyzed the water microscopically, and determined that in Wright’s Pond there are considerable numbers of the animal-cules [sic] , while Ashley Ponds, the main reservoir, seems o be free from them. The board instructed the engineer to continue his investigation of Ashley Ponds, and his report will be made the basis for action at the next meeting. The commissioners are considering seriously the connecting of the main pipe lines direct with Ashley ponds, instead of through Wright’s Pond, should the former ponds be found clear of the pest. There is also an alternative plan by the use of Bray’s Brook; and figures on both of these plans will be submitted at the nest meeting. A communication was received from the fire commissioners asking for 38 more hydrants. A communication was received from Albert Steiger and others, asking that meters for elevators be read once a quarter, and a hearing will be given at the next meeting. The board of health is to be requested to have the plumbing inspector file with the board notice of new additions and changes in closets, etc. [Note: the algae is reported as Uraglena, but Uroglena Chrysophyceae seems to be the accepted contemporary name for it, in case you are interested in researching the topic.]

Water Rising Fast in River — the water in the river yesterday was rising all day, and before 5 in the afternoon had risen about a foot, being then six feet and three inches over the dam. If the estimate of the engineers of the company is correct, that for every foot going over the dam there is going to waste 25,000 horse-power, there was 150,000 horse-power going to waste most of yesterday. As soon as the river reaches the seven-foot mark, Weather Observer A. F. Sickman of the water-power company will telegraph the Boston office of that fat. This will undoubtedly be reached lae tonight or early this morning. There is believed to be considerable melting snow up north yet, and a continuance of rain and mild weather will result in a further increase.

The Holyoke Scieentific Association met last evening at the science room in the high school building an formally voted to turn over the Gardner Sherman collection of Indian relics to the Holyoke City Library. A committee was appointed consisting of J. S. Webber, Frank H. Metcalf and W. J. Howes, to see that the transfer is speedily made. J. T. Draper of the high school faculty gave a talk on “Sound.”

The funeral of Thomas J. Sheehan will be held at 650 High Street this morning followed by services at the Sacred Heart Church at 9. The burial will be in the St. Jerome Cemetery.

“Tom” Dowd is to sign with the Philadelphia team, it is said. It looks as though the Waterbury franchise would remain in the state of wooden nutmegs.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.




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