by Laurel | March 17th, 2014
18 March 1904
The St. Jerome Dramatic Club presented “A Bit o’ Blarney” which was given in a very satisfactory manner. There was a large audience and all were well-pleased with play and players. The production was under the management of P.E. Smith, who has had much experience in that line. The parts were all well taken. Thomas Taylor sang for the first time Mr. Bell’s latest song “Bless Her Dear Irish Heart,” and words and melody seemed to appeal to the audience. Among some of the other soloists were Miss Tess Tierney, Miss Ella Curran, Miss Helen Dillon and Daniel Kelly in Irish songs and dancing.
The annual St. Patrick’s party of the Young Men’s Institute was held last evening in Hotel Hamilton, with a very large attendance. The party was in the form of a reception in honor of the “Russians,” who defeated the “Japs” in the recent pool contest. The hall was elaborately decorated in green and a concert of Irish melodies preceded the dancing. Cartier’s Orchestra furnished the music and Cramer prompted.
A civil case was in progress yesterday at the police court room, that of L. Frechette & Co. against Louis Turgeon. The case is being heard before Referee C. W. Bosworth as auditor. The plaintiff contends for pay for plans for the block built recently for Louis Turgeon. The plaintiff, who was the building company, has received pay for the block, but claims a sum for the plans. the defendant’s claim is that id the plaintiff received the job he was to “throw in” the plans. Lawyer T.D. O’Brien appears for the plaintiff and Green & Bennett for the defendant.
Division 1 Hibernians Have a Time — Division 1 Hibernians held their 33d annual St. Patrick’s party last evening at Hibernian Hall, the hall being packed to the doors with the members and friends of the division. the hall was decorated in green and white and after the program of the evening was over refreshments followed and a social hour was enjoyed. Daniel W. Russell, president of the division, presided and introduced the speakers. He first speaker was County President Terence O’Donnell, who spoke briefly on the general welfare of the order. A musical selection followed by Miss J. Ross. Rev. P. J. Harkins then spoke, dwelling upon the temperance question chiefly and making a special plea to those who were engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors not to sell to women or minors or to men who were intoxicated. James J. Dunn then spoke briefly upon the press, commenting upon the busy year ahead for the press with the annual convention of the Hibernians coming and other important events which he could assure those present would be treated fairly and at length by the press of Holyoke and vicinity. Next came Rev. John Griffin, who spoke upon St. Patrick, giving a historical sketch of his life and work and many incidents relative to it and interspersing his remarks with a number of humorous stories. A diet followed by Miss Grace Norton and Miss Annie O’Donnell, piano and violin, and then came an address by Thomas J. Gibson, one of the oldest members of the order in Holyoke. Mr. Gibson spoke on the welfare of the order and also briefly. Hugh McLean was next, being the closing speaker of the evening. Refreshments were served and the social part of the evening program following, lasting until midnight.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.