Were Drowned in Florida — Double Funeral At Holyoke

by Laurel | April 2nd, 2014

26 March 1905

Edith H. Moore

Edith H. Moore
Holyoke High, Class of 1901
Died 24 March 1905

Holyoke Man and Daughter
Perish in Southern Waters — Tragic Death of William O. Moore and Miss Edith Moore of Holyoke

William O. Moore, 52, of Holyoke and his daughter, Miss Edith Moore, were drowned Friday afternoon in the Indian River, near Georgiana, Fla. They, with a party, were returning to Georgiana from ocean Beach and were overtaken by a squall, which capsized the small boat. Besides Mr. Moore and his daughter, there were in the boat Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Chautauqua, N. Y., and A. A. Baldwin of Georgiana, with whom the northerners were boarding. All but Mr. Miller were drowned.

When the squall struck all clung to the overturned boat, but one by one they lost their hold and sank, the heavy waves gradually exhausting their strength. Mr. Miller, drifted with the boat to the shore opposite Lotus, where his cries for help were heard. The neighbors heard of the accident only after dark, although it occurred about 4 o’clock. Parties were at once organized to search for the missing bodies, but at a late hour yesterday afternoon none of them had been found. The river at this point is about four miles wide.

Word first came to Holyoke of the tragedy yesterday noon, in the shape of a telegram from Georgiana, Fla., addressed to the Holyoke Lodge of Odd Fellows, Mr. Moore being a member of that order. It was turned over to Dr. G. E. Hunt, who is the noble grand of the order. The telegram was brief, and simply said that Mr. Moore and his daughter Edith had been drowned, and asking for instructions as to the disposition of the bodies. Dr. Hunt at once wired directions to have the bodies sent to Holyoke. The telegram also stated that a letter was on the way. The news came as a shock to the many friends of the two in Holyoke and other places.

Mr. Moore was well known to many Holyoke people, being the order clerk for the Highlands and Elmwood sections of the city for many years for Lemuel Dears & Co. His daughter, Miss Edith Moore, was a teacher in the Northampton public schools and a young woman of fine character and attractive disposition. Between the two there existed that rare affection that is occasionally found between parent and daughter; so that when Mr. Moore’s health failed, and he was advised by his physician to try the southland for a time, his daughter resigned her place in the Northampton schools and accompanied him to Florida. Georgiana is a small place on the Indian River, and letters written by Miss Moore recently told of her swimming each morning in the river. Mr. Moore was gaining in health there, the letters also stated.Mr. Moore’s home was in Southampton, where he leaves and aunt, Miss Jane Judd; and he also leaves an aunt in Westfield, Mrs. Jane Williams. After leaving his home in Southampton he was employed in Leeds for a number of ears, and some 12 or 13 years ago went to Holyoke, where he entered the employ of Lemuel Sears & Co.  During the past year he had a run of bad luck. He suffered a shock last fall, and later in the fall his wife died, which he took much to heart. The two happenings injured his health so that he was obliged to give up work, and tried the southern air in an attempt to get it back. He was a steady, thoroughly reliable man, well liked by his employers and associates and having the confidence of those with whom he dealt in a high degree. His daughter was a graduate of the Holyoke High School class of 1901, and after completing her course there, went to Miss Wheelock’s School in Boston for two years, then taking a position as kindergarten teacher in Northampton schools, where she was successful in her work. Mr. and Miss Moore had been living since Mrs. Moore’s death with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thayer of 135 Lincoln Street. Previously they had lived in Dr. Cox’s block at 244 Maple Street. Mrs. Moore left a brother, Orlando Pomeroy, who lives in South Hadley.

02 April 1905

Service for W. O. Moore and His Daughter, Who Were Drowned Off Georgiana, Florida

The double funeral of William O. Moore and his daughter, Miss Edith H. Moore, who were drowned off Georgiana, Florida, Friday afternoon, March 24, was held in the chapel of the Second Congregational church yesterday afternoon. The Holyoke Lodge of Odd Fellows, of which Mr. Moore was a member, attended the  services in a body, and a large number of the schoolmates of Miss Moore in the high school class of 1901 were present, Rev. Dr. E. A. Reed officiated at the service, and delivered a touching eulogy at its close. The floral offerings were very numerous, and those especially prominent were gifts of the Holyoke Lodge of Odd Fellows, High School class of 1901, the Tuscarosa encampment, the Octagon Club. and Sears & Co. the bearers for Mr. Moore were Nelson Barrett, C. L. Baker, F. L. Brown and F. A. Kilborn, all of the Odd Fellows. R. N. Magna, J. N. Magna, D. H. Maxwell and W. E. Holmes, schoolmates of Miss Moore, acted as her bearers. The bodies were taken to Southampton for burial in the family lot.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.


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