by Laurel | August 20th, 2014
22 August 1907
To Attend Launching of the Elvira Ball — A party of Holyokers will visit Mystic CT, Saturday, to be present at the launching of the five-masted schooner, Elvira Ball. The ship will be christened by the daughter of C. E. Ball of Holyoke, who will give it her own name, which is also the name of her mother and of her niece. The schooner will be added to the fleet of the Gilbert Transportation Company, which now has a fleet of 20 vessels, and the stock of the company is largely owned in Holyoke. A number will go down to witness the launching, and will attend the banquet following. Among those interested in the company are C.E. (Charles Ely) Ball and Dr. L. H. Clarke, who are directors, and S.R. Whiting, Dr. G. L. Kinne, Dr. Adolph Franz, Dr. A.B. Wetherell, Dr. Frank Woods, Philander Moore and Dwight Ives. The company started in business with only five ships, which has now increased to over 20, and do a large coasting trade. The new schooner was built at the company’s yards at Mystic, Ct, and will have a carrying capacity of 1,800 tons or coal or 750,000 of lumber.
[Note: The Elvira Ball was a five-masted schooner built of wood in 1907 by the Gilbert Transportation Company, Mystic, CT, USA. Dimensions: 200’8″×38’5″×16’9″ and tonnage 869 tons. The Elvira Ball was the smallest five-masted schooner built on the east coast of the United States and the second smallest in the USA after the Louis. 1907 August 24 Launched at the shipyard of Gilbert Transportation Company, Mystic, CT, USA, for their own use. Rigged by Captain William J. White. Commanded by Captain L.B. Stanton. 1909 February 8 Loaded with a cargo of lumber, she was abandoned during a storm without loss of life 130 miles east of Cape Charles, VA.]
The examinations will be held at the High School building the 29th and 31st for students who desire to make up conditions and for students from out of town who may wish to enter the high school.
The three boys who were arrested for walking on the Boston and Maine Railroad track were fined $3 each in the police court yesterday morning. Two “drunks” were fined $11 each and one was placed on probation.
Margaret Geiger has bought the 17-tenement brick block on Walnut Street of Hugo Heider. The sale was made through the Leon W. Bliss agency.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.