by Laurel | September 23rd, 2014
03 November 1891
Alexander Fairgrieve
Killed By A Whirling Shaft
Alexander Fairgrieve, 32, employed at the Nonotuck paper mill was killed at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon by being caught in a piece of shafting while about to grind some paper knives. He was caught by the sleeve and was whirled around the shaft several times. The right arm was torn off at the elbow and one ankle was broken, while the body was bruised in many places. He lived on Bridge Street and left a widow. Medical Examiner Tuttle was notified and examined the body at Quint’s undertaking rooms. Fairgrieve tried to put a belt in position to start the grindstone, but the mill officials say that he had no authority to do it and no one else can be blamed for the accident, as he was alone in the room.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.