Holyoke Snippets — 02 August 1909

by Laurel | October 2nd, 2014

02 August 1909

The Rounders, Poster

The Rounders, Poster

“The Rounders” will be the attraction at the Mountain park Casino this week with Garrick Major as the duke. The play is an old and well known one that has had its successes. There will be changes and additions in the company for the presentation.

Tomorrow will be souvenir day at the Casino, Mountain Park. Every woman who attends the performance will be given a photograph of Garrick Major, the head of the company.

Fire in the Alley. One spark apiece for the “kids” who went to the “fire” yesterday afternoon in an alley off Lyman Street would have made a conflagration. But there was only a smudge in one of the ash houses that line the alley. It is a choice alley with a collection of variegated odors. The firemen put a stream of water into the ash and garbage filled bin and gave it a washing that it needed badly. The policing at the fire was all right, but didn’t begin to be as effective as the hose when the swarms got too close to the firemen. The alarm was from box 41 at the corner of High and Lyman Streets and was rung about 4 o’clock. The chemical was out on the street before the first round had been rung and the horses were in a gallop by the time the one of the first 41 was rung. It was good work on the getaway.

More Wood Blocks for Main Street. The board of public works will today begin the work of repaving Main Street. Wood blocks will replace the granite blocks now there, which will be used on Jackson street between the underpass and the second level canal. Main Street is to have new wood blocks between Hamilton and Cabot Streets.

The Police Court Saturday morning had but a few cases and these were not of great importance. Antoni Bus pleaded not guilty of drunkenness and assault, and George Keyes made the same plea on the charge of striking Jacob Solin in the face when asked to move away from the front of Mr. Solin’s Lyman Street store. Both Bus and Keyes will be tried this morning. Two track-walkers were fined $5 each. One man arrested for drunkenness, was probated for a year. he was in bad condition with weak nerves and heart as a result of suddenly stopping his stimulants. One woman, charged with drunkenness, failed to appear, and her bail was defaulted. One “drunk” was fined $6 and one was released.

Mrs. W. F. Sawin and her three daughters, Misses Beatrice, Verna and Jean Sawin are  at Providence, Rhode Island.

Peter Hayes, about 16, shattered the ends of two fingers Saturday afternoon when he accidentally discharged a revolver which he was carrying. He was taken to the House of Providence Hospital and attended by Dr. A. Franz. Hayes had been shooting for practice in Fairview and was walking home through the woods when the accident happened.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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